Your Restaurant ~ Your Style
Marketing your restaurant is a continuing process.
The first step is finding your customers, the second is keeping them coming back to your restaurant. Start with the basics..... Identify Your Customers Everyone knows it's always easiest to sell to your existing customer base but also understand "who" they are. Why do they come to your place? What do they like? What do they wish were different? Determine Where Your Business Comes From This could be a four-block area for a small deli or a 40-mile area for an upscale destination restaurant. It could be the lunch crowd full of business people or families that come with small children. The Video Below Speaks For Itself!
Keep Your Customers Coming Back!
![]() Depending on the atmosphere you already have—or hope to create—in your restaurant, you could implement a variety of ideas to make certain days of the week special at your establishment. Perhaps a family discount day is in order, or you’d prefer to offer certain dishes at a better rate on a certain day. A Custom Banner will tell your potential customers, what you want them to know about your restaurant that’s special. You might want to let people know when Happy Hour is, when you have a special event coming up, where you’re going if you’re planning to move to a new location or whether you are holding a grand opening. Find out what makes you stand out from your competition - do you have the best location, do you have the best quality of food or do you have the best atmosphere relative to your competition. As soon as you determine your competitive edge, exploit it. Determine specific dollar amounts that influence a consumer to make a purchase and price all your menu items accordingly. |
What are people saying?This is important to know. Do a survey, secret shopper or just ask the question, "What can we do to earn your business?
Create the Buzz!Word of mouth is the best advertisement. Create a buzz among your customers, get them talking about what you do best.
Internet & Social Media MarketingDon't neglect this part of marketing. The internet is the new media in the 21st Century.